Va t'il remporter une troisième victoire sur la course mythique. Comme il dit c'est l'amour pour les chiens et la nature qui le motive. Il a 50 chiens dont la plupart sont empruntés.
Il vient de livrer son notebook où sont répertoriés ses entrainements
Vous pouvez trouver le lien ci après : Notebook
Robert Sorlie prepares for the Iditarod in 2014. He just got out of a seminar presentation with other mushers whose fame Dee Dee Jonrowe (Alaska female musher).
Is he going to win a third victory on the legendary race. As he says this is the love for dogs and nature motivates. He has 50 dogs, most of which are borrowed.
He has delivered his notebook which lists its trainings
You can find the link below: Notebook
Robert Sorlie prepares for the Iditarod in 2014. He just got out of a seminar presentation with other mushers whose fame Dee Dee Jonrowe (Alaska female musher).
Is he going to win a third victory on the legendary race. As he says this is the love for dogs and nature motivates. He has 50 dogs, most of which are borrowed.
He has delivered his notebook which lists its trainings
You can find the link below: Notebook
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