J'ai juste oublier d'enlever la 1ère vitesse de mon quad sans moteur, et ce pendant les 4 premiers kilomètres. J'entendais bien un drôle de bruit, mais il m'a fallu du temps pour trouver. Une erreur de direction de Sofia à déplorer, mais sinon tout s'est déroulé comme sur des roulettes.
A good round this morning in the fog. There not see much. In addition, we left at sunrise in the dark. Temperatures a little warmer to increase our mileage. Thibaut has come for a ride with me. He took his two dogs and his scooter. Excellent exercises exceeded. Some tight turns. The mud is not yet at its peak.
I just forget to remove the first speed at my quad without engine, and for the first four kilometers. I heard a very strange noise, but it took me a while to find. Error direction Sofia regrettable, but otherwise everything went like clockwork.
A good round this morning in the fog. There not see much. In addition, we left at sunrise in the dark. Temperatures a little warmer to increase our mileage. Thibaut has come for a ride with me. He took his two dogs and his scooter. Excellent exercises exceeded. Some tight turns. The mud is not yet at its peak.
I just forget to remove the first speed at my quad without engine, and for the first four kilometers. I heard a very strange noise, but it took me a while to find. Error direction Sofia regrettable, but otherwise everything went like clockwork.
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