Jeff King, a four-time Iditarod winner, signed up Thursday for the 2015 Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race between Fairbanks and Whitehorse, Yukon.
King was in the first Yukon Quest in 1984 and competed in the first seven Quests, winning the race in 1989. He left the race after 1990, focusing his attention on Alaska's other 1,000-mile race.
Next year, he plans to do both the Iditarod and the Quest, he said Thursday.
"I've been thinking about it for a year. My life revolves around dog mushing. I spent seven years in the early years of my career in the Quest and I look forward to visiting and seeing and experiencing the trail again."
King, of Denali Park, said he plans to make a competitive Quest run — weather and trail-conditions permitting.
King came close to a fifth first-place finish in the Iditarod in 2014. He was in the lead near the final checkpoint when blizzard conditions blew him of course and his dogs quit on him. He went on to win the 2014 Kobuk 440 with a record time.
Several members of King's 2014 team, including lead dogs Zig and Barnum, should be back next year, he said.
King's entry brings this year's number of Quest entrants to 24. The field includes 2014 and 2013 winner Allen Moore. It doesn't include 2014 and 2013 runner-up Hugh Neff, but race director Marti Steury said she's heard he plans to be back.
2015 Yukon Quest mushers to date (24 mushers)
Rob Cooke
Allen Moore
Mike Ellis
Tony Angelo
Ryne Olson
Normand Casavant
Tamra Reynolds
Maenus Feren Kalteneors
Brian Wilmshurst
Kristin Knight Pace
Brent Sass
Alex Buetow
Olaf Thurau
Ed Hopkins
Torsten Kohnert
Dave Dalton
Jimmy Lebling
Matt Hall
Cody Strathe
Jason Campeau
Randy McKenzie
Damon Alexander Tedford
Hank Debruin

Jeff King, vainqueur de l'Iditarod quatre fois, a signé jeudi pour la Yukon Quest International Dog Sled Race entre Fairbanks et Whitehorse, au Yukon.
King était dans la première Yukon Quest en 1984 et a participé aux sept premières courses, gagné la course en 1989, il a quitté la course après 1990, en se concentrant son attention sur d'autres course de 1000 de mile de l'Alaska.
L'an prochain, il prévoit de faire à la fois l'Iditarod et la qu'est, a t-il dit jeudi.